Friday, April 13, 2012

What are the benefits of attending samagams ?

Till today We have only read about the Sixth Sense. Yes, there was also a movie made about the Sixth Sense & we saw that movie to know about it. But have you ever known a living person having the Sixth Sense with mystic powers. Have you ever known a living person to have such Psychic Powers that he can do Remote Viewing, yes seeing thousands of kilometers away without any scientific device. Have you ever known a living person with such Psychic Powers that he can read your mind while talking on phone with you, when you are hundreds of kilometers away from him. Have you ever known a person who can see & tell you what you have kept in your cupboard, while you are thousands of kilometers away from him.

Sixth sense is to have the extra power of perception in addition to the five senses & Yes, in India there had been & now also there is a person who has all these Psychic Powers with which he does Remote Viewing & heals his Devotees. He is called by his devotees as Nirmal Baba / Nirmal Saint & he is a resident of New Delhi - India. Through his Mystic Powers he can do Physical scanning and curing of an individual. He has got deep Mystic powers & empowered with these powers & divine visions, he develops a deep contact with the subconscious of other people and heals the patients in a mystical manner. Through Mystic powers He identifies the affected part of the human body without even being told of it.

But how Baba Ji does all this & where from he got all these powers. Baba Ji used to be a simple family man, a decade ago. Through his devotion to God, He received enlightenment and blessings of Divine Powers, which empowered him with miraculous powers and deep insight into the human psyche. During deep meditation Babaji goes into a transcendental trance and is visited by all the deities and Gods who grant him visions and remedies for all physical, mental, emotional and even mundane worldly problems of other people. Nirmal Baba Ji, as he is fondly called, adorns the ethereal world of NIRMAL DARBAR. People in pain or misery throng the Darbar ( His Place) seeking relief from their agony, physical, mental, financial or otherwise. Miraculous it may seem but – Yes – Baba Ji through the Divine Powers and Holy Spirit vested in him by God, does actually relieve people of their sufferings.

Incredible, Weird & Amazing it may seem but whether it is really true or a hoax, you just decide yourself.

Benefits of  samagams, Nirmal baba profile, spiritual guru, Biography, nirmal baba address, contact number

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